Today we are excited to announce the release of a number of new features to the message centre in SchoolWise. We have taken all your feedback and introduced as many changes as was possible in this release. Let’s take a look at some of the new updates.
Redesigned Interface
We have redesigned the message centre interface to give you a better workflow. Your conversations are now loaded with the person that last replied, the subject, preview of the last message, who the message was originally sent to and the time of the last reply.
You can now easily distinguish between read and unread messages in your conversations

Conversation Actions
You can now hover or touch a message on a mobile device to see actions to perform on a message such as mark as unread, archive or reply without having to open the conversation.
You can also select individual or multiple messages one at a time or use the filter button to select all, unread or read messages and perform bulk actions.

Better Context
You can now clearly see the subject, original recipient, date it was sent and the layout has been improved so you can see replies much easily.

Messages and Notifications
We have also improved the segmenting of messages and notifications so that your conversations don’t become cluttered. Notifications can be dismissed in one click.

Attachments with Replies
One of the most requested features was the ability to attach files when replying to a conversation. This is now possible and is available for learners too.

Reply Workflow
When you are sending a message to a class, year group or a number of learners it is important to know who will receive a reply. Safety is always our priority when it comes to messaging and we want our learners to feel safe when communicating with anyone in the platform.
So now when a learner replies to a group message, only the original sender will see the reply – not the other learners in the group. This ensures that replies are kept private between the sender and the learner.
If you need to, you can then start a new private conversation with the learner.
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