It can be daunting sometimes for learners to keep themselves organised when it comes to assignments. This can be even more challenging in a remote learning environment when the majority of their work is online.
What is a priority, what to work on next, assignments that are late and what is coming up are just some of the considerations when it comes to assignments. It is important to provide structure and meaningful context for learners around work that needs to be completed.
We have introduced some new features to assignments to help organise work for your learners. Let’s take a look at how this works.
We have redesigned the school central page which where assignments now have a place of its own. You and your learners will see what is due next and what is coming up for the week. This will help learners to know what they should be working on next.

Active Assignments
Learners can access their assignments for all their subjects from a click of a button. An Assignments button has been introduced into the user menu. Clicking on this will take the learner to the assignments page.

This page will automatically display any Active Assignments. These are assignments that are due where the learner has not turned-in any work.
The assignments are structured around a friendly context of when the due date occurs. So if an assignment is due within the next two days it will fall into the Due Next section. If it is due within the next 7 days it will fall into the Coming up for the week section. Finally, any assignments that have a due date longer than 7 days will fall into the More than a week out section.

This will provide better structure for a learner in knowing what they should prioritise or work on next. It also let’s them know what is coming up along with assignments they should start thinking about.
This will help organise the work a learner especially in a remote learning environment when their may be a lot of active assignments for a learner.
We have also updated the design of the assignments to better distinguish between an assignment and schoolwork. Both of these are now in a different colour. Since schoolwork has slightly different requirements than an assignment in that it is mostly used for issuing instructions only and not requiring a turn-in through the platform, this will make it even clearer.

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