Academic Tracking Managing your School Planning Student Engagement


It is estimated that teachers spend 55% additional time working on non-teaching activities. This time wasted due to work classed as “inefficient” which is estimated to be one day per week!

It is estimated that teachers spend 55% additional time working on non-teaching activities. This time wasted due to work classed as “inefficient” which is estimated to add up to one day per week!! 

Check out our tips to help you work more efficiently and take back that one day a week of your valuable time.

Planning – preparing for lessons, practical test or assessment.

Curriculum planning across all departments should be a collaborative task, with consistent pre-planned resources available in the one location. This ensures that all students are receiving consistent teaching and that each lesson and subject topic moves seamlessly from one to the next.

Helping students who are falling behind

Cumbersome spreadsheets are unlikely to accurately pin point students and specific areas of poor performance.
A fully integrated solution will track student performance in real time providing accurate data on individual students as well as specific areas of strength or weakness. Having instant access to this information ensures teachers can have the scaffolding in place to help students struggling with a particular topic before moving onto the next one.

Assessing / marking student work and writing reports on student progress.

The assessment, marking and reporting of student progress should be all part of the same workflow. At the planning stage at the beginning of the school year learning recourses and assessment material should all be linked to the curriculum schedule. This will remove time wasted on double entry and manual entry of data into numerous applications making the assessment of student progress easy. (Link to making assessment easy blog).

Facilitating in-class group projects.

Keeping track of students in project groups across different classes and years can be very difficult and time consuming.  Having a task forum where both students and teachers have access to connect and engage with each other, not only allows the teacher to keep track of how each team are doing, it also means that students have increased accountability for their part of the team assignment.

Keeping Records / Administration.

If you are using personal mark books, excel spreadsheets (link) or secret apps (link) in an attempt to keep on top of your student’s records chances are you are wasting a lot of time. Using an integrated solution that connects to MIS (and other performance systems) to track student performance cuts out any time wasted on manual / double entry into administrative record keeping systems.

Having the right platform working for you will save you hours of administration time and leave you free to do what you love.